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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why the Torque Sensors Are The Most-Sought Commodity in the Automobile Sector?

A torque sensor is an industry revolutionary device that is employed to measure/monitor the twist of the shaft or the deflection of the loading arm to tell the torque force on a rotating system.

The primary objective why so many industries require the torque meter is because they are used to evaluate the power output in real output, by calculating the shaft RPM and shaft torque. 


Before, we deep any deep, it is quite fundamental to know what is torque? In Physics terms, it is an external force that causes an object to rotate. The reaction torque is the type of force that is applied to an object that is not free for rotation. To understand it is a practical example, a screw driving unscrewing a rusted screw. The industrial motors are a common example of rotating objects. The torque and RPM combined are used to determine the horsepower, and this power rating defines the efficiency of the system.

The torque transducer is widely used in the automotive sector, installed in the four-wheeler engines to keep track of the torque force being applied instantaneously; this establishes the smooth functioning of the engine. The measuring of the torque is either done with the help of a permanent magnet or via strain gauge. The torque transducers are available in an extensive selection based on the capacity; you will select any as per your application specification.

So, now you probably be wondering why torque meter is used in engines to evaluate torque because without that we won’t be able to monitor the operational horsepower. To boil down, the torque sensor is to keep track of the power that is coming out of the engine, thus makes predictions for the fuel efficiency of the vehicle.

Types of Torque Sensors

There are two broad categories of the torque sensors, the first and most widely used is the magnet with a measuring device that is employed to calculate the reading of revolutions per minute for the turning cam. The other being the strain gauge that is modern-day torque transducers promising better precision and highly reliable.

To Wrap Up
When buying a torque transducer for a particular application, it is imperative to take note of the measurement specification & requirements. In addition, look for a well-know brand which is a renewed for its quality, high-performance industrial tools and equipment.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Pro Applications Of Torque Sensor

Everything seems to be going fine when you have a reliable torque meter/sensor. Those who are not familiar with this concept, this blog will help you the most. A torque sensor is nothing but the tool to calculate or/and record every torque rotations in a rotor, bicycle, transmission, an engine, and many other motor-based equipment.

To give you more knowledge about a torque sensor, follow our lead now!    

1.     Calibration Tracing
Using a sensor directly when transverse force act sounds a perfect thing to do. You can keep track of every machine involved in the calibration process. Strong torque wrenches in conjunction with triggering wrench are the tools that lead to successful machine calibration tracking. The transfer wrench diagnoses the machines implicated in a calibration process pretty smoothly.

2.     Normal Machine Calibration
When there’s a call to find out the precise torque, a torque transducer is the one of a kind. Undoubtedly, the torque meter can be helpful to calculate the torque of any device, but it may vary when the machine’s type and size varies. Torque sensor can be ideal to compare the precision of nationwide organizations as regards to laboratories calibration. So make your machine calibration perfect with a torque transducer.

3.     Torque Measurement
You can measure the torque of every non-rotating machine by using a robust torque sensor. To be precise, even a tiny load of transducers are typified as exceptionally soaring load capability through the axial forces.

Both industrial and domestic areas demand high-quality transducer. The whole credit goes to its capacity to evaluate a precise non-rotational torque. In addition, many transducers out there have no highest limit for maximum load, which makes them appropriate for the apparatus of any bulk. Torques such as flanges is as easy as pie when it comes to adjusting your machine. Hence, transducers are just ideal for both industrial and personal reasons.        
Winding Up 
After knowing everything about a torque meter/transducer, it’s time to find a reliable retailer who can offer you the quality product at the prices that don’t burn a hole in your pocket. So do it now!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How to use a Torque Sensor? Find Here!

Torque measurement can enhance any motor based machines performance. But do you know how to do it? Well, using a torque sensor is not rocket science. Even if you are completely unaware of the methods, you are not alone. Many people struggle to find a way to calculate have no idea about it as well.
Below are the two basic ways to perform torque calculation through a sensor. So let’s explore it together!

Indirect Method 
The indirect method comprises torque calculation as per its capacity to settle in the electricity. By using rotating speed measurement tools, you can calculate the exact torque readings. Ensure that the size of the sensor is suitable for your device. Newest torque meter mellows the chore of calculating rotational speed and electric power. Although, any power loss throughout this test can lead to an inaccurate or uncertain reading. Overall, everything depends on the outfitted status of a machine. For that reason, the reaction power calculation method is proficient during this method.

The indirect method is one of a kind when it comes to finding the most accurate torque value.  You can pursue this method by professionals or giving it a try by your own self. 

Direct Method

Generally, torque flanges are major components to determine glitch-free torque value. As the name indicates, a direct method includes direct torque tool. There are many mechanical perks for enhancing the functionality of your device. The easy incorporation of test benches along with the top-quality torque transducers makes this method more preferable. This technique endorses the uppermost rotating pace measurement with lofty accuracy. 

If you don’t want to spend much time on discovering torque of the machine, going for the direct method is a no-brainer. There are less malfunction odds and the method ensures you to get only the precise readings. So save time by using the steadfast direct method.                
So which method are you going to try first? No matter whichever you choose, it definitely will direct you to the accurate torque value. So pick your reaction torque transducer method now!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Why you should Buy Shaft Rotating Torque Sensor?

Nobody can deny that torque measurement is supportive to calculate the accuracy of a motor-based machine or vehicle. Regardless of the type of machine, the torque measurement can prevent various maintenance expenses. That’s why; having a robust shaft torque sensor is the best idea. 

If you have ever perplex whether or not you should go for a torque sensor, below reasons are what you need to know.
So let's get started!    

1.     What is a Rotating Torque Sensor?

Before you go any further towards the reasons, it’s crucial to figure out what exactly is a torque sensor. As it’s clear from the name, a rotating torque sensor is a device that measures the torque of a rotary system. Its size can be a bit small but is adequate for the whole industry host. It identifies whether or not every machine is applying an equivalent quantity of torque so that additional indemnity can be avoided. 

2.     Less Damage

Now after getting familiar with the rotating torque, let’s move towards its requirement to install. Well, the on-time and accurate and measurements by the sensors are useful to sense and manage assorted machine problems counting fuse, as well. Though, the correct assortment of a sensor is a crucial step because it will characterize how long you can depend on the sensor or if a sensor is suitable for your machine.      

3.     Complete Accuracy

Variation in torque statistics directs to factual error. Ensure every requirement is addressed. This way, chances of on-point data are pretty high.
You can choose the best torque sensor by reviewing the followings:

ü  Application Concern
ü  Budget
ü  Environment Effect
ü  Torque sensor Types 
ü  Physical needs   

Application concern - RPM rating, accuracy, response time
Physical needs - Torque's size and mounting limitations, the overall cost for the entire system
Environment Effect - Dirt, electromagnetic intrusion, temperature,
Torque sensor Types - Dual-range sensor, Circular shaft, and reaction
These are the major factors to consider.     

So now that you know the reasons to purchase a shaft rotating, get in touch with the reliable retailer right now!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

How can you Find the Right Torque Sensor? Discover Now!

Mechanical breakdown can happen unexpectedly. A torque sensor measurement tool allows you to find the precise estimation of your motor-based device or machine. But using a wrong torque sensor will ruin the functioning of your drive-line. Consequently, selecting a reliable sensor is crucial. Besides, bulk data can affect the perfection of your sensor in many ways.
So how to choose the right torque sensor? You will find its answer right now!

Following is the step-by-step representation of how you can end up with an accurate torque sensor. So let’s check it out!          

1.     Various Types

Many people overlook the type of torque sensor. Obviously, it’s more than important to know the type of sensor before installing or using it with your machines for the sake of compatibility. Generally, the types include - reaction, rotary, clamp-on, circular shaft (Slip ring style), analog telemetry, dual, and digital torque sensor. Each type has an individual working mechanism with diverse purpose. For example, circular shafts are dynamic and on the other hand, a reaction torque sensor is static. The dynamic torque is perfect for moving (or revolving) machines. So pick any of these types that go with your machine.   
2.     Physical Requirements  

ON your way to buying a torque sensor, consider its size, length, and weight.  Small torque sensor such as flange-to-flange is lightweight and a bit fragile. Conversely, circular torque is long, has a huge diameter, and is sturdy. Though speed change can deform circular torque sensor, flange-to-flange torque sensor; however, has no effect of that (because of dual flex coupling). Hence, consider every physical aspect is vital.  
3.     Budget and Cost

One shouldn’t mess with their budget no matter how much you like a torque sensor. Find something that has all the crucial features you want and is easy on your pockets. Indeed, you can find such retailers that offer their clients a huge range of quality and affordable sensors. Well, the budget and cost don’t include a product’s MRP. In fact, it comprises the after purchase maintenance cost as well. So consider these factors as well.      
So whether you want to buy reaction torque sensor or any other sensor, ensure you are following these steps.

So go ahead and purchase the best torque sensor today!  

Top Reasons to Have Torque Sensor In Your Industry

When people ask the mechanical engineers that why they should have a torque sensor , a simple answer they get every time...